Natalia, Texas – Larry Alfaro Jr., a beloved brother, son, nephew, cousin, and friend, passed away recently after a long battle with cancer and an infection.
Despite undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments twice, Larry maintained an optimistic and cheerful attitude throughout his difficult journey. His strength and resilience touched everyone who knew him, and his kind heart left a lasting impression on all who interacted with him.
After enduring numerous health challenges, the toll from the treatments weakened his body, ultimately making him vulnerable to an infection that led to his passing.
His family, who is now rallying to give him the peaceful rest he deserves, set up a fundraiser to help with the funeral expenses. The family expressed gratitude to all who have supported them during this heartbreaking time.
"Any amount helps, and if he touched your life in some way, feel free to give any amount," said his brother Michael Alfaro, who organized the fundraiser.
Larry Alfaro Jr. will be remembered for his unwavering optimism and the warmth he brought into the lives of his family and friends.